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Riverbend Environmental Education Center

1950 Spring Mill Road
Gladwyne, PA 19035



People need nature. Nature is the source of our food, water and the air we breathe. A healthy environment is directly tied to our survival and well-being. It is only with a solid understanding of how our natural systems work, that people can work together to protect nature and act as earth's future champions.


Direct experiences with nature provide relevant learning that equips students with critical thinking, creative approaches, and problem-solving skills.



STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education is an interdisciplinary and inquiry-based method of learning. It goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge; it creates connections between school learning, the community, and the world beyond. Riverbend delivers STEM programs that utilize nature as the foundation of learning. When nature-based curriculum is used, students are three times more likely to find the material interesting and create lasting memories.


Both nationally and in Pennsylvania, the focus has been to increase STEM proficiency at the high school and post-secondary levels. As Riverbend works with school districts in our region, we see a need to direct effective STEM resources all the way down through elementary school. Grades K-5 are a critical period in which student interest can either be deeply engaged or lost in respect to science and technology. 

Students who have positive experiences through high-quality science teaching and who have opportunities to participate in hands-on science are the ones most likely to pursue STEM paths.


Riverbend strives each year to take our inquiry-based science programs to the next level, transforming the way teachers teach and students learn environmental education.

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